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Training & Workshops


CAUGHT UP: Peer Recruitment & Grooming 

Caught Up features snippets from the narrative hip hop film TURNT to illustrate some of the tactics used by sex traffickers to recruit victims, highlighting the specific impact on one of the most vulnerable populations: foster care youth.  Through video and engaging discussion, presenters reveal the dark truth about being caught up in The Life.

6-12th Grade, TAY, All Genders

Audience: Students

Up to 50 People

1 Session,

1.5 Hours

*Workbook (optional)

#FAKE NEWS: Decoding Online Recruitment & Exploitation

This training educates on how predators use media to connect with and exploit youth online.  Fake News uses video content and engaging discussion to illustrate the dangers of social media, online recruitment tactics, and highlights tools and tips that help increase online safety. 

6-12th Grade, TAY, Adults,

All Genders

Audience: Youth, School Staff, Social Workers,  Administrators, Parents,  Youth Counselors, General Community

Up to 50 People

1 Session,

1- Hour

No Materials Required


Straight Up is designed for schools and organizations looking to provide their youth with an overview of human trafficking, with an emphasis on the direct impact it has on young people.

45 minutes,

3 Sessions

*Workbook (optional)

Audience: Students

Up to 50 People

6-12th Grade, TAY, All Genders

ALL IN: Keys To A Healthy Relationship

A primary tactic used to recruit youth into sex trafficking is through romantic
relationships. These relationships are often unhealthy, characterized by
control, isolation, and various forms of abuse. All In explores the building
blocks of a healthy relationship.

1 - 1.5 hours,

1 Session

No Materials Required

Audience: Students

Up to 50 People

6-12th Grade, TAY, All Genders


This training will provide attendees with an overview of human trafficking, with an emphasis on the direct impact it has on our young people.  Topics include:  defining sex trafficking, statistics, contributing factors that drive demand, legislation, and tips on providing trauma-informed support to youth who may experience exploitation.

Age 18+

All Genders

Audience: School Staff, Social Workers,  Administrators, Parents,  Youth Counselors, General Community

Up to 50 People

1 - 2 hours,

1 Session

No Materials Required


This training will educate attendees working with youth who have experienced sex trafficking and/or exploitation.  Topics include: Impact of trauma, barriers to leaving the life, and applying the stages of change model for trauma-informed care.  

Age 18+

All Genders

1 - 2 hours,

1 Session

No Materials Required

Audience: School Staff, Social Workers,  Administrators,  Youth Counselors, General Community

Up to 50 People

SPEAK UP: Engagement Strategies for CSEC Youth

This training will educate attendees on best practices for engaging with youth who have experience exploitation or human trafficking and providing trauma informed care. 

Age 18+

All Genders

1 - 2 hours,

1 Session

No Materials Required

Audience: School Staff, Social Workers,  Administrators,  Youth Counselors, General Community

Up to 50 People

RISE UP: Parent Support Group

This program is designed to educate and support parents of CSEC victims
and survivors, meeting weekly for 90 minutes over a 9-week period.  Topics include: understanding CSEC, barriers to leaving the life, impact of trauma, support and safety planning. 

Age 18+

All Genders

1 - 2 hours,

1 Session

No Materials Required

Audience: Parents with youth currently being trafficked and/or exploited, Parents with youth who are survivors of trafficking and/or exploitation  

Up to 25 People


Finding Success Through The Struggle

This motivational talk encourages students to overcome their current challenges, embrace their unique identity, and offers tips on figuring out the first building block of success: Purpose.  The speaker engages students with humor, storytelling, and group participation.  

7th-12th Grade

All Genders

Audience: Students setting career goals

Up to 50 People

1 Hour,

1 Session

No Materials Required

From Power Boards To Power Moves

Rooted in the belief that if you can see it you can achieve it, this workshop is designed to assist students in identifying their unique gifts and purpose and create a powerful visual, a Power Board, to help move them towards success.  Speakers will share their own "I" stories of overcoming and get participants thinking about potential career paths they would like to take.

7-12th Grade

All Genders

Students setting career goals

Up to 20 People

1.5 - 2 Hours,

1 Session

*Materials Required - Magazines, glue sticks, markers, poster boards, scissors

*All required materials provided by The Power Project

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